Across Phase One students cover all areas of the new Computing Curriculum. All students cover some aspect of E-Safety in lessons.
In Year 7 students learn all about the digital world they live in. This better prepares students for staying safe online and avoiding online dangers; searching the net safely; how not to infringe copyright law; and then how to deal with and combat cyberbullying. This section of learning will also have a close focus on literacy. After students learn how to code a calculator in Scratch using block programming. In this unit, they also learn aspects of computational thinking plus logic and problem solving. Following this, students learn all about the hardware of a computing, getting down with the key components; learning how to build a computer and prepare them for the real world when buying technology. Finally, students get creative and learn how to design and build a website using HTML and CSS.
In Year 8 students will begin to learn how to program using Python, a programming language used in GCSE Computing and this unit links very closely to that curriculum. After students learn all about the advances in AI and how the world they live in is changing with developments they will delve into representation of number, learning all about binary and how computers store media including how to count and add using binary. This term will have a close link to mathematics. After then they will learn about app development & design, building a working app they can transfer to their phone at home.
In Year 9 students expand on their previously learnt knowledge of Python to incorporate more complex algorithms and a deeper understanding of coding, how it is quickly becoming a must have skill in the workplace. After students learn all about Python they are introduced to the key concepts of GCSE Computer Science, understanding the fundamentals of computer architecture, networks, legislation and data representation. After this they are introduced to the world of digital media, understanding media compositions, and representing a client brief. They will learn skills in Photoshop to bring their media creations to life.