
History at Tretherras looks at how national and global influences shape the world our students live in. We follow a knowledge rich chronological and thematic narrative up to and including year nine. Students starting with who came to England and why gradual change can be seen through the development of Monarchy, State, Religion, Power, and Conflict: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.

Year 7


  • What is History? how historians use evidence to tell us our history?
  • Who were the Romans?
  • Was Boudicca a goodie or baddie: Using Tacitus to tell us the story.
  • The Angles, Saxon & Jute society: what changes?
  • Why was there a crisis in 1066?
  • Why is the Silk Road significant?
  • Walsham and the Black Death & Peasants Revolt
  • Colombus sails west.
  • The reformation
  • English Civil War
  • Restoration

Year 8


  • African Americans & the slave trade?
  • Empire: why was if important?
  • The agrarian to industrial society?
  • Cornwall: how important was Cornwall to Britain’s growing Empire – Local study.
  • Origins and the course of World War 1
  • Enfranchisement
  • WWII
  • The Holocaust

Year 9


Case Study 1: Soviet Union

  • Russian Revolution
  • Overthrow of the Tsar
  • Rise of communism
  • Role of Stalin
  • Impact on women
  • Impact on society

Case Study 2: USA

  • Economic Boom
  • Prohibition
  • Wall Street Crash
  • Role of Women
  • Assassination of JFK
  • McCarthyism
  • Vietnam

Case Study 3: Rise of Communist China

  • Life in China before the revolution
  • Communist Revolution
  • Rise of Mao
  • Hundred Flowers Campaign
  • Modernisation of China
  • Impact on women
  • Cultural Revolution
Berlin trip 2
Berlin trip