Our extended team consists mainly of volunteers. Our only real requirement of a volunteer is that they have the enthusiasm for it. We then ensure that they are supported through training in technical skills, child protection, first aid and teaching outdoor skills. We are fortunate to have an excellent cadre of volunteers willing to give their time freely. Their expertise, character and dedication provide inspiring role models for our students and without them our programmes would simply not be possible.
We are always looking for external and staff volunteers that are willing to give their time in after school sessions and during weekends and holidays. To provide safe experiences we ensure there are always a good number of adults to participants. At a minimum this is a 1:10 ratio but often will be 1:8 or even 1:6 for the more adventurous activities. With over 800 students involved with our programmes spaced over 80 plus days out in the wilds every year we obviously need a large volunteer team to spread out the commitment.
If you love the outdoors and enjoy working with young people please do get in touch. There are roles for all from the super experienced to those just making their first steps into the exciting world of outdoor education. We will ensure that you are supported and some training and qualifications are available for those that take on a long term commitment. The greatest benefit is working with a motivated bunch of characters who share a love of the outdoors and being able to share some amazing adventures with our fantastic students.