Tree of Promises and Pledges – Anti Bullying Week 2019

Today has been the second day of our week of anti-bullying activities, as part of National Anti-Bullying Week.
At break time, we have had a cake sale where students have lined up to sample cakes made by our fantastic NT DT department. Each cake featured he theme and logo of the week, encouraging students to consider how “Change Starts With Us”.
This was reinforced in tutorial time this morning, where students were engaged with discussion about different types of bullying and the potential impact resulting from them.
Our NT House system is at the forefront of this year’s Anti-Bullying week, with Lizard House creating a Tree of Promises and Pledges, with students writing their promises to hang on the tree as a visual reminder of their ideas about how to help and support any of their peers who are being bullied. Many of the messages are simply inspirational as students are sharing their experiences and opinions about bullying.
Tomorrow will include an opportunity to paint messages on stone that will be laid in one of our outdoor social spaces.