ICE, Civil Institution of Engineers, is offering a free hour-long online careers seminar for 16-18s that ICE South West is running next week.

It’s aimed at introducing a broad range of exciting careers in civil engineering to students who are considering their future job and education options.

Could I be a Civil Engineer? takes place online on Thursday 9 July at 11am via the ICE’s webinar platform.

Students will discover what skills you’ll learn as a civil engineer, what types of roles they could do, what civil engineers love about their job and hear about amazing civil engineering projects in the South West. They will also find out how to get into the industry through an apprenticeship, doing a degree, or combining both.

The panel of professional engineers includes:

Lizzie Rees, Assistant Engineer at WSP

Sandhya Sreekumar, Design Engineer with Tony Gee and Partners

Anna Gates, Apprentice at Hinkley Point C

Rob Henley is a Transport Planner for Arup

Sally Walters, Project Manager at Stantec

Penny Gilg, Transport Planner at Atkins

Click here to book the online civil engineering careers seminar.

Questions for the panel are invited in advance to be sent to: