Representing LSN
Evie Conran:
Evie is a kind and honest member of 7LSN. She is excited to have the opportunity to represent the year group. Her funny nature will always bring a smile to everyone’s face. Evie would like the opportunity to get involved in planning year group trips to places like the Harry Potter studios in London.
Jack House:
Jack is an extremely confident member of the form group who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Using his loud voice, he will ensure your views get heard.
Representing SGS
Darcy Carthew.
- I am confident and prepared to speak up for what I and the form/year believe in
- I don’t mind/love speaking in public, so I am not shy at putting the year team’s points forward.
- I am always kind and helpful and willing to speak up for all those who cannot; those that need the support.
- I listen out for people and will improve the wellbeing of the school.
- I am open minded and will listen and be approachable
- Darcy is very well organized and will remember to turn up to meetings, support and challenge areas for the year 7 community
- I always have a smile!
- I always put people first
- I will give the job 100%
Representing SGS
Darcy Carthew.
- I am confident and prepared to speak up for what I and the form/year believe in
- I don’t mind/love speaking in public, so I am not shy at putting the year team’s points forward.
- I am always kind and helpful and willing to speak up for all those who cannot; those that need the support.
- I listen out for people and will improve the wellbeing of the school.
- I am open minded and will listen and be approachable
- Darcy is very well organized and will remember to turn up to meetings, support and challenge areas for the year 7 community
- I always have a smile!
- I always put people first
- I will give the job 100%
Clara Rainbird
- I am always considerate of others
- I am not afraid to speak up for what I believe in
- I am honest/trustworthy and will do the best for the year and not for myself
- I am kind and thoughtful
- I am always ready to listen to ideas
- I believe creativity is really important and no idea is stupid; so I would love to bring this to light
- I will look to represent student concerns around clubs/sports and hope to make sure there is something for everyone.
- I will always be open to other ideas and I am willing to support the students in these ideas in a passionate way
- I will be there for students 100% and give the job my best efforts
Representing NAC
Jack Rid-Harper
- Is very smartly presented
- Is very friendly and approachable and loves fist pumps
- Enjoys playing music and would like to improve the music facilities in school
- Is happy, likes to find things out and likes to help people
- Is confident and can talk to people in groups and is excellent at saying his opinions
- Makes everyone laugh
Millie Thompson
- Loves to talk to people and is an amazing listener
- Is confident talking to large groups of people
- Is very sporty and would like to improve yr7 clubs
- Is brave, super resilient and likes to make people happy
- Is very approachable, makes friends and is creative
- Enjoys school trips
Representing YHK
Jessica Bailey
Vote Jessica for Year 7 rep because she is kind and approachable – this means she will listen to your ideas and make sure everyone is heard. We think Jessica was really brave to stand for form rep and Year 7 rep because she is from a small school and didn’t know many people when she started at Tretherras. Jessica is also very responsible so she will always do her best to help improve the school.
Nico Cacioppo
Vote Nico for Year 7 rep because he is a great public speaker – this means he will make sure your ideas are presented to the whole school council. Nico is also really energetic and has lots of amazing ideas for how to improve the school for everyone. He is kind and confident so will talk to anyone about their ideas.
Representing KPH
Ted Whitwell
7KHP think that Ted should be one of the Year Reps on the School council because he is…
A Fabulous Friend;
A Confident Chap;
Trusty Ted;
A Responsible Rep;
A Listening Leader and
A Multitasking Maniac.
Harry Cartwright
Representing ANR
Rosie Gregory
Kind and caring
Experience and full of good ideas
Confident at public speaking
Good listener
Will include everyone
Will back up every other year 7 pupil.
Joshua Griffiths
A very good friend
A helpful and kind person
A good listener
Confident and can talk in front of other people
Experienced from previous roles
A loyal friend
Happy to try new things
Very open minded
Will always help when needed.
Representing GAJ
Allana Johnson
Here are some reasons why we think you should vote for them
ALLANA is an excellent listener, and she will listen very carefully to your ideas and concerns. She will work very hard with the student council to make the school the best possible place for all Year 7 students. ALLANA is very interested in trying to come up with fun and interesting ways to raise money for charity – so she will try to come up with more things like the WEAR IT PINK non-uniform day at the end of this half-term.
Will Burnett
WILL is an imaginative student who has lots of interesting ideas about how to make the school a great place for all of our Year 7 students. For example, WILL would like to find ways to improve the IT facilities in school, such as the WIFI coverage in outside areas where mobile phones can be used. WILL can communicate your ideas to the school council, and will work hard to make lots of positive changes for the benefit of all Year 7 students.
Representing FLB
Aaron Tolan-Dwyer
- I can speak in front of people as I have previous experience speaking in front of others.
- I was part of the committee at my old school so I can apply my skills to the job.
- I would really like to improve the school in any way possible, one idea is making sports equipment like footballs available at break and lunch
- QUOTES FROM FORM “Aaron is a nice guy, he is hardworking and has great ideas, he is also a great friend and kind to everyone”
Emily Campen-Howarth
- I am always kind to others, and I am a great listener who would is not afraid to voice the opinions of others.
- I have always wanted to be a rep and I am excited about the opportunity and would like to make a difference.
- Quotes from form “Emily is responsible, caring, and mature and has not had the opportunity before. She also treats everyone with respect”
Representing MJJ
Elliot Pope
Hello, my name is Elliot Pope from MJJ and I like to surf, skate, and play football. I think I would be a good year 7 representative because I am kind, helpful, I listen to others and take in their opinions and I will make the experience great for others at school.
Bethan Emmett
I would like to be considered for the role of school councillor because I’m passionate about helping the environment and finding new ways to cut our carbon footprint and stop plastic pollution. There are many things I feel strongly about such as deforestation. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I hope to be able to represent the thoughts and views of my fellow year 7’s and take issues they feel important.
Representing HAB
Jago Tobias
We think that Jago would be a wonderful Year 7 representative because he is really helpful in form, he always offers to help Mrs Bissenden with her tasks and is kind and thoughtful to his peers. Marcin said, “Jago is really resilient”, when we asked him what he meant by this he said that Jago was really good at being positive and hardworking even when things get tough. We think this skill would make him the perfect Year Rep!! Jago is also funny which will help in that role and he was the first person in our form to get 10 and then 25 house points. Vote for Jago he is a legend!
Casey Rickard
We think that Casey would be a good Year 7 Rep because he is always on time, if not early and his attendance is great. Casey’s’ friends also say that he is a really good friend to them and is really funny. We also think that Casey would benefit from the responsibility, and it would help him grow in terms of his confidence. Casey also loves skating!! Vote for Casey!
Representing EIW
Isaac Bunt:
Hi, my name is Isaac, and I would like to tell you why I would be a fantastic Year Rep. One, I feel confident standing up and representing your voice in assembly. Two, I am a brilliant listener. Three, I am fantastic at navigating the school and can show you where you need to be. Four, I am going to be the best that I can be, even when I’m down, I am always going to try my hardest. Thank you to all the people that will vote for me, I appreciate it a lot. Will you be like them and vote for me?
Zac Warren:
I would be an amazing School Rep as I have experience talking to Cornwall Council. My sister, Mum and I went to an environmental council meeting when I was only 9 years old, so I am experienced in talking confidently and representing the voices of others. I will try my best to make the school greener than it is right now and fight to bring down the price of expensive school dinners. Vote for me for a better school future.