The Newquay Tretherras Careers Fayre returned this term with resounding success. Careers Coordinator, Mrs Henry commented ‘The representation from both employers and students has been fantastic with 29 businesses and even four universities attending.’
These events are always regarded as valuable by students who get to talk to people who are actually in the job or are doing an apprenticeship.
At the Fayre Year 9 & 10 students got the opportunity to consider career paths and industries that they may never have thought about before.
Student comments ranged from the general; ‘It was really helpful’ and ‘there was a lot of advice’ to the more specific, ‘I learnt a lot about how to shape a career path and get to do a really interesting job.’
Feedback from the employers was also very positive, stating that students were ‘very engaged’ and asked ‘great questions’.
Mrs Henry added; ‘We are so grateful to all the companies that gave up their time to give advice and guidance. Thank you!’