Emma Walsh, Founder and CEO of recruitment companies, property & investment businesses.

My name is Emma Walsh I am Founder and CEO of a group of recruitment companies, property & investment businesses.

I left Newquay Tretherras in 2004 after also attending the sixth form. I went on to go to the University of Gloucestershire to study Broadcast Journalism, because I failed Business Studies at A-level.

I mostly enjoyed my time at school but struggled academically. I was more hands on and loved a bit of coursework. I was lucky to have a head of year that saw something in me and put me “in charge” of organising assemblies (a way to keep me out of trouble no doubt). I loved it and this led me to organise events from charity fundraisers, valentines post offices, year group Elections, leavers balls and much more going on to win Greatest Contribution to the year group in 2002. This ultimately cemented the fact that I enjoyed being a leader.

For my work experience I spent a week in Trenance infant school as a Teaching assistant and a week at Newquay Hospital on the ward. With regards to my work experience, whilst I enjoyed the weeks, I knew pretty quickly neither option was for me.

I chose to do Broadcast Journalism because I have always been curious and inquisitive and as it turns out they are excellent attributes in sales.

I started my sales career in 2008. After a stint of being top biller consecutively I felt confident to start my own business. My focus is on providing a great place to work and with Talent Twenty Seven I believe we have something special. I always say sales is no one’s dream job but it can provide a dream lifestyle, so if the balance is right with a workplace that is supportive and encouraging, I believe people can get a lot from it.

I now have a few successful businesses and invest in other startups specifically in Newquay. I want to give back and encourage people from Newquay to make it, because it is possible even if you fail your Business A-level!