Contact Us

We would be delighted to hear from you and are more than happy to help arrange a visit.

Our main office deals with all our enquiries. Mrs Clarke, our Office Manager, and her team will be able to support you. (01637 872080

If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please let us know and we will provide it free of charge.

For the safety of others vehicular access to the school car parks is prohibited for parents to drop off or pick up children. Alternative drop off points should be used, i.e. Sports Centre, Water World or Chester Road where students can then safely walk to school.

You will only be able to access these car parks if you have booked an appointment at the school but parking will be so limited, therefore you are advised to park at the Sports Centre and walk up in to school.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Attendance Matters

Please can you contact as on the day of your son/daughter’s absence, or ahead of a medical appointment.

You can contact us at or on 01637 872080

Additional Contacts

Pastoral Leads

Year 7: Mrs L Rogers

Year 8: Miss R Armstrong

Year 9: Ms K Cook

Year 10: Miss I Rickcord

Year 11 Co-Ordinator: Ms S Ollerenshaw

Sixth Form
Director of of Sixth Form:
Mr A Booth

Assistant Heads of Sixth Form:
Miss H Bray and Mrs E James-Carne

Sixth Form Administrator:
Mrs J Selkirk

01637 872080 ext. 5227 or 07929 798 203

Trust Deputy Headteacher SEND Lead
Mr J McGovern

Miss H Coombes

Assistant Operational SENDCo’s
Mrs R Arthur
Mrs L Martin


Leadership Team

Headteacher 11-16:
Ms G Harries

Deputy Headteacher:
Mrs J Kellow (Quality of Education)

Deputy Headteacher:
Mr R Higginson (Cluture and Ethos)

Trust Deputy Headteacher – SEND Lead:
Mr J McGovern

Assistant Headteacher – SENDCO:
Miss H Coombes

Assistant Headteacher
Mrs K Strudwick (Teaching and Learning)

Assistant Headteacher:
Mr G Carter (Behaviour and Attendance)

Assistant Headteacher:
Miss C Barber (Director of KS3/DSL)

Director of KS4:
Miss J Lloyd-King

Miss T Watts (Inclusion and Alternative Curriculum Lead)

Personal Assistant to Ms Harries and the Leadership Team:
Mrs T Barnes
01637 872080 ext. 5254


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
Miss C Barber

Operational Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
Miss L Thomas

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
Miss K Summers

School Services

IT Services:

Media Services:

Print Services:

Site Team:

Data Protection:
Mrs T Barnes

General Enquiries: