Wolf Rock
HOH: Mr Burnell
HOH: Ms Lloyd-King
HOH: Mr Scherewode
HOH: Mr Jones
HOH: Mr Higginson
Every student and staff member at Newquay Tretherras is assigned a House. The House system creates healthy competition, promotes good work and behaviour, raises aspirations, encourages teamwork, provides opportunities to take on responsibilities and brings everyone in the school together.
We also work closely with the local community to promote good values and have helped to raise money for lots of charities including the RNLI, Cancer Research, Marie Curie and the Terrance Higgins Trust.
The Houses were named after Lighthouses off the South West coast of England with a focus on robustness and guidance. There is a House Assembly once a half term.
Each student is placed in a House of around 300 boys and girls of all ages. The House names, chosen by the students, represent and embody the ethos of the school. They are Godrevy, Longships , Lizard, Wolf Rock and Pendeen.
2017 Champions Godrevy House.
This was a close call! It all came down to sports Day 2017. Godrevy really excelled themselves and brought home the House Cup! Well done. Congratulations to Miss Ellis Head of Godrevy house- a great send off for her.
There are lots of competitions throughout the year – Tretherras has got Talent, The Great Tretherras Bake Off, Language Week, Inter Sport, English Poetry competition, NT Chess and NT Swimming Gala. House charity week is a week when students can help contribute to the local community by raising money for charity.
2018 Tretherras got Talent
Once again this was an awesome show. There were lots of entries in to the auditions and Heads of House spent two weeks choosing which acts were going through to the final. There was a range of acts from singers, dancers and comedians. Daisy Dewey and Charlotte barrack did a singing duet and it was third time lucky for the fantastic duo. They won the event with a superb performance.
2018- House charity Week!
This year it was led by Mr Sleight and we raised over £1,000 for Shelter box. There are lots of events taking place throughout the week. From shaving beards to car washes it was fun filled and the students really enjoyed it.
We are also organising a Year 7 House football competition to take place in the Summer term to work in conjunction with our anti-bullying campaign- ‘All Equal- All Different’ . Students need to come up with a slogan to promote difference within our school.
Sports Day
In the summer term is a great event with the expectation that all students participate and champion their house! This year we are gearing up to a challenging event.
Purpose of the House System:
- Provide a welcoming environment, allowing social integration within a stable and secure structure.
- Encourage and support students in the Performing Arts, Sporting, Social and Academic competitions.
- Introduce community involvement by nominating a chosen charity for the purpose of
- fundraising and raising the awareness of global and local needs.
- Create a sense of belonging by encouraging pride and responsibility in the House.
- Encourage a sense of purpose and achievement in a variety of activities.
- Introduce opportunities for leadership and mentoring through interaction between year groups.
- Examples of Inter-House Competitions: House Sports Day, House Swimming Gala, Charity House Days, Inter-House Sports, Performing Arts, Debating, Chess Club, Quiz Games, Residential and School Day Trips, Academic Competitions etc.
House Cup Points System
Students can contribute to their house totals in a number of ways, both in and out of the classroom. House points are given for outstanding effort and achievement. These are recorded and individual, tutor group and whole house prizes will be awarded at the end of the year. House points are also awarded for excellent attendance and for achievements at extra curricular activities.
Everybody is expected to participate in at least one of the varied house events, from creative writing to sports tournaments; there really is something for everyone!
Students can see how their house is performing when half-termly totals are announced in House Assemblies and also on the school moodle site. House points are shown termly on the school website and are also in the newsletter. These points will all add up towards a cumulative house total and, at the end of the year, decide the winning house, which is awarded the House Cup
Each House also has a team of House Prefects. The importance and value placed upon our House prefects is very great indeed. Our students are keen to mature as individuals and to develop a sense of responsibility towards others within and beyond the School gates. House Prefects support other students in the Houses by activities such as:
- Peer mentoring
- Paired reading
- Organising students to participate in House sporting and other competitions
- Playing an active role in Assemblies
- Assisting at Taster and New Entrants’ days
- Organising charity events
- Helping Form Teachers during Form time
Links to House Pages
Wolf Rock