Uniform Guidance

For detailed guidance please Click Here for the School Uniform Policy.

First impressions do count and by continually reinforcing our high standards of uniform and appearance at Tretherras we aim to prepare our students for the world of work.

Ensuring students attend school dressed smartly in school uniform is the foundation for high standards in other aspects of school life, including a positive work ethic and conduct in and around school.

The Governors and staff of Newquay Tretherras are proud of the smart appearance of our students and are very appreciative of the support that parents have given in maintaining the standard of uniform, which has become a feature of the school. The school will continually monitor the quality of students’ uniform and encourage students to develop a sense of pride in themselves.

As families, purchasing uniform and ensuring a child arrives to school dressed appropriately can be a stressful time. Our uniform guide is designed to help families with the process by outlining our expectations, which, in turn, will help families understand what is expected of their child.

Our intention is to ensure that students look and dress smart but not at the undue expense of families. We have ensured as a school that the cost of our new uniform is affordable yet of the highest quality. We have partnered with Macron Sports Southwest who provide our Blazer and stock appropriate trousers. All non-official items can be purchased from clothing stores or supermarkets. If you are in receipt of the pupil premium and would like support with providing uniform then we ask that you contact the school through NT enquiries.

We hope the uniform guide provides both students and families with clarity about our high expectations.

Students will be challenged by staff where they fail to meet our expectations with regard to school uniform and sanctions will be applied and repeated or serious breaches could result in a student being removed from normal classes and break times until the issue is resolved.

The school reserves the right to confiscate items that do not conform to the school’s expectations regarding uniform. These items will be stored safely and returned to the individual at an appropriate time by a designated member of staff.

Please see uniform letter dated 21st July 2023 for the latest uniform guidance.

Acceptable Tailored Shorts

Acceptable Black Socks

School Blazer

School Uniform List for Years 7 to 11

To purchase school uniform please visit Macron South West :


Mandatory Uniform

NT Blazer Navy Blue with Proba Tene badge – exclusively available from Macron Sports Southwest

Trousers (Black only) – Trousers must be tailored (i.e. not jeans, chino or casual style) for boys or girls. They must sit at the waist and shoe line.

Skirts (Black only) – Only the agreed skirt. Only sold via Macron, and subsidised by the school.

Shorts (Black only)- Knee length and available at the Macron south west store

Shirts/blouses – White shirts only with collar and sleeves (not sports/ polo or T-shirts). Shirts must always be tucked in. They must have a top button, which must be fastened for the tie.

NT School tie – navy with school badge (obtainable from school). Clip on. They must be worn to their full length.

Socks/tights – Must be plain black. No other colours are acceptable – no insignias.

Shoes – New Year 7 intake September 2023:

Black leather or leather style, polishable shoes. They must be shoes, not leather or leather look trainers. They are distinguished from a trainer because they have a stepped heel. A shoe is not determined by how they are advertised by sellers. Doc Martins with yellow stitching are not allowed.

Shoes – Years 8 – 11:

PLAIN BLACK, flat or low heeled. Boots are not acceptable School Uniform.

All students by September 2024 will need to wear school shoes which conform to the school uniform policy. These are polishable black leather or leather look shoes with a stepped heel. Please see the Uniform policy and pictures below for further guidance

PE kit requirements
Compulsory Items
Sky Blue T-shirt from Macron
Either Hoodie or quarter zip top available at Macron
Black Shorts or training trousers (no cycling shorts)

Trainers – any colour is acceptable

For PE Kit orders, please visit:

Newquay Tretherras – Macron Store South West – Macron Store South West (macronstoresw.com)

Appearance of Our Students

Haircuts – The Academy does not permit students to have haircuts or styles that could serve as a distraction to others, or to have unnatural colours in their hair, which detracts from the smartness of their appearance. This also applies to hair extensions.

Make up – No make-up or nail varnish is allowed in the Academy and those wearing it will be expected to remove it. Tattoos are not permitted.

Acrylic nails – which are highly flammable and a health and safety risk for practical activities are not allowed and must be removed.

Piercings – If ears are pierced then one small stud/sleeper in each ear is permitted. Visible facial piercings, including nose piercing are not allowed. It is not acceptable to conceal piercings with plasters or replace with clear alternatives.

Jewellery (other than piercings) – A maximum of one ring per hand. This must be removed as directed for lessons such as DT and PE, or as requested by a member of staff if there is a safety concern. No other jewellery is acceptable.

Additional Information

Coats and Jackets – We advise all pupils to have an appropriate outdoor coat to bring to school during cold/ or wet weather.

A hoodie does not count as an outdoor coat

Coats may not be worn once inside school

School Jumper – this piece of uniform was replaced by the Blazer in 2017 following student voice and is no longer part of our uniform. It should not be worn.

Acceptable Tailored


Acceptable Shoes all Black

Not Acceptable because not the school skirt


Not Acceptable Skinny Trousers/ Jeggings/ Large Buckles


Not Acceptable Jeans/ Cargo Trousers


Not Acceptable Trainers With White Soles, Stripes or Markings/ White or Coloured Laces/ Boots