Our Aims & Values

Our Aims
It is our aim that when our pupils leave Tretherras in Year 11 or Year 13, they can live and tell their story of success with happiness, pride and confidence so they can contribute positively to society, both in Newquay and beyond.
We aim for all our pupils to:
Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Engage Fully and Decide Wisely
Our Values

We are a happy and inclusive school with a strong ‘Tretherras’ family ethos. Relationships are valued and we put our children at the heart of everything we do. We have high expectations of students’ behaviour and their positive attitudes to learning and school life. Our safeguarding of young people and our pastoral care is proactive and supportive.
We are an ambitious and inspirational educational community, which believes in setting the highest standards and aspirations for absolutely everyone, from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form. We have a track record of high academic success in public examinations and there is an extensive range of academic, vocational and technical qualifications on offer to all KS4 and KS5 pupils. We aim to nurture “educated people” with opportunities to grow emotionally and physically, as well socially and intellectually, spiritually and culturally within and beyond the classroom. We offer comprehensive Careers’ Advice and Guidance and enriching Work Experience and Internship programmes.
We value every student equally and provide totally inclusive, challenging and rich learning experiences underpinned by outstanding care, guidance and support, enabling everyone to succeed in life regardless of their starting points. We have an excellent Learning Support department with a highly trained team who give individual support for students with Special Educational Needs. Our on-site Learning Centre provides access to specialist support and community services for all staff and students.
We have a dynamic and inspirational curriculum, with four key elements – academic curricular, pastoral curricular, extra-curricular and character curricular – which is designed to appeal to the interests and needs of all our students. Our NT Curriculum is designed to be rich, judicious, and well-sequenced for Newquay pupils, ensuring pupils can access the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Support structures, like the Learning Centre, Study Zones and our Access Coordinators, ensure that all pupils have equitable access to the knowledge they need to succeed, ensuring no one is left behind.
We believe passionately in empowering all students to become successful life-long learners who are self-aware, creative and resourceful enough to meet the challenges, careers and opportunities of the 21st century. Our school is well-resourced with Sporting, Creative and Performing Arts and Technology facilities, a Library and extensive Science laboratories.
We enrich our curriculum through an extensive and unique out of hours provision which embraces volunteering, a wide range of Sports and Arts, and high-quality Science, Technological, Engineering and Mathematical opportunities. We are a Duke of Edinburgh Award Licensed Centre and offer an adventurous NT Outdoor Learning programme. We have an Activities Week and a Year 7 Camp every summer. We are proud of our sporting and creative arts success and NT Sport and NT Creative Arts are real strengths of the school.
We are part of Cornwall Education Learning Trust: an all-age family of academies greater than the sum of its parts. We are also members of the One Cornwall Teaching School Alliance and our emphasis on professional learning and development for staff through NT Learning ensures that our teachers are highly trained specialists in their subject fields.