Reports & GCSE Grades Explained

GCSEs have undergone major reform across the country. We hope that the following information will help you understand some of these changes.

New GCSE Grades (9-1):
English and Maths GCSEs were the first to be graded from 9 (High) to 1 (Low), in 2017. Most other subjects followed this grading in 2018 for the first time, with the few remaining subjects converting for those completing GCSEs in 2019.
The postcard to the right gives a useful visual representation of how the new grades compare to the previous A*-G grades.

GCSE Grade Changes from 2017 onwards – Frequently Asked Questions

The following link has further information about grade reforms (GCSE and A Level):

Engagement with learning Grade

The Engagement with Learning grade gives an indication of your child’s approach to study. This takes in to account their behaviour, effort, organisation, engagement and desire to learn. Engagement with learning is given a grade: 1 (Support Required), 2 (Below Expected), 3 (Expected), 4 (Above Expected) or 5 (Exceptional)

School Performance Measures
In light of national reforms, the government have also introduced new school performance measures. To view how Newquay Tretherras have achieved, or to compare a number of schools across Cornwall/England, please visit the DfE Performance Tables website. The Tretherras headlines can also be viewed by clicking here

The new headline measure is Progress 8. The following 3 minute video explains how Progress 8 is calculated. Please be aware that although each student contributes to this measure, it is a school measure, not an individual student measure.

Student Report:
We also try to ensure that key pieces of information are relayed to you in letters that accompany the student reports.

We are now sending our reports out by emails only, rather than in the post, therefore, please ensure that we have your latest contact details on our system.

Please contact the main reception by emailing or by calling 01637 872080 to update them.