Starting at NT

Please browse our topics.

If you feel you need further assistance please contact our main office team on: 01637 872080 or by emailing

What Classroom Equipment do I need?

Black, Red and Green Biro, Ruler, Pencil, Rubber, Glue Stick, Sharpener, Scientific Calculator, Maths Set.


Where do I purchase PE kit from ?

From September 2024 years 8-11 to order using: Newquay Tretherras – Macron Store South West – Macron Store South West (

For new Year 7’s starting September 2024 : Newquay Tretherras – Macron Store South West – Macron Store South West (


Where do I purchase a school tie from?

These can be ordered from: Newquay Tretherras – Macron Store South West – Macron Store South West (


Where do I purchase the school blazer?

This can be purchased at the Macron store in Indian Queens (Unit 8A, A30 Business Park, Indian Queens, TR9 6FZ) or online at: Newquay Tretherras – Macron Store South West – Macron Store South West (


How does my child pay for school lunches?

Cashless Catering: The school uses ParentPay to allow students to purchase food from our canteen. We will send parents their unique login details before the Autumn term. Students will be issued with a canteen card in September.
The advantages of using a prepayment method means that parents can control their child’s daily spending by specifying a maximum daily spend amount. The system currently allows the school catering department to advise parents how much their child has spent and provide a list of items purchased.
Anyone in receipt of free school meals will have this money credited to their account on a daily basis and nobody will be able to tell who is in receipt of free school meals. ParentPay can also be used to pay for school trips, music tuition, etc.


Where does my child eat lunch?

Either in the hall or in the Year 7 social area.


What will happen on the first day of school in September?

Year 7 students will follow an induction program to get them ready for the new term. This includes having their photograph taken, a library induction, and tour of the school. They spend most of the day in their form group getting to know each other.


How will my child know where to go during the first few weeks?

Each class is linked to 3 Year 11 students or ‘buddies’ who will escort them to all of their lessons for the first week. They will then spend time with them in form time each week and help them with any issues they might have.


What emotional support is available at school?

We have plenty of support available in school should your child need it. They have a form tutor, Head of Year, and we also have an extremely successful well-being hub with trained counsellors and support staff.


Is there mentoring available from older student?

The buddies act as mentors for the first few weeks. We also have a group of fully trained ‘Restorative Justice’ mentors who can offer support at any point during the year.


How does my child take out a book from the library?

They will be given a library induction during their first week and will be issued a library card.


Where is first aid?

In room B2, right next to reception. You will be contacted by a member of staff if your child is injured at school. You will also be contacted if we feel your child is not well enough to be in school and needs collecting.


How do I purchase a locker for my child?

We endeavor to make lockers available to as many students as possible. These lockers can be used to safely store valuable sports or music equipment, heavy books and clothing. This year, we are asking for £35 to secure a locker for the five years of education at NT, this comprises of a refundable deposit of £10, plus £5 a year rental until the end of Year 11. The key will need to be returned at the end of year 9 and a new key will be issued for year 10 and 11. The £10 deposit will be repaid at the end of Year 11, again with the return of the key. A charge of £3 for a replacement will be required if the key is lost or broken. If you would like your child to have a locker, please complete the reply slip on the locker request letter. If you would like a copy of the letter please email


How will my child be set in lessons?

In Year 7, they are only set in Maths. This will be based on KS2 teacher assessments. All other lessons are taught in mixed ability.


What is the school uniform?

  • NT Blazer: Navy Blue with Proba Tene Badge, exclusively available from Macron Store
  • Trousers (Black Only): Trousers must be tailored for boys and girls (not skinny jeans or casual style).
  • Shirts/Blouses: White shirts only with collar and sleeves (not sports/polo or T-Shirts. Shirts must always be tucked in.
  • Tie: NT School Tie, navy with school badge.
  • Socks/tights: must be plain black
  • Shoes: plain black i.e. no white ticks or stripes


What is the school’s policy on jewellery?

Only one small stud is permitted in each ear. All other piercings including nose studs are not allowed.


What is the school’s policy on make-up and nail varnish?

No make-up or nail varnish is allowed in the Academy and those wearing it will be expected to remove it.


What is the school’s policy on hair colour / style?

The Academy does not permit students to have haircuts or styles that could serve as a distraction to others, or to have unnatural colours in their hair, which detracts from the smartness of their appearance.


How do I apply for a bus pass?

You will receive a letter from Cornwall Council and you will then apply online.


What are the timings of the school day?

8.30am-8.35am – Registration in tutor groups

8.35am-9.10am – Lesson 1

9.15am-10.10am – Lesson 2

10.15am-11.10am – Lesson 3

11.10am-11.30am – Break

11.30am-12.25pm – Lesson 4

12.30pm-1.30pm – Lesson 5

1.30pm-2.00pm – Lunch

2.00pm-3.00pm – Lesson 6

Various after school clubs run each day until 4.00pm/4.30pm.


What clubs and activities can my child attend?

We have an extensive range of clubs and activities. These includes sports, the arts, and science. A full timetable of clubs will be made available early in the Autumn term. Each term a refreshed offer of clubs is published on our website and social media. Extra-Curricular clubs can be viewed here:

Extra-Curricular Clubs – ( and Extra-Curricular Sport – (


What is the role of a form tutor?

Your child’s form tutor will see them every day. Their main role is to provide support for your child, both emotionally and academically. They will stay as your child’s form tutor for the 5 years they spend at Tretherras so will get to know them very well.


Who do I contact if I have a concern?

In the case of an emergency or absence, please call 01637 872080 and someone on reception can help you.

You can also email to contact Miss Barber, Head of Year 7, directly, if you have any concerns about your child. Our policy states that we reply within 3 working days.


What do I do if my child is unhappy?

We want to support your child’s emotional well-being and support them in any way that we can. In the first instance you should contact the Head of Year or Form Tutor.


Does Tretherras have a house system?

Every student and staff member at Newquay Tretherras is assigned a House. The House system creates healthy competition, promotes good work and behaviour, raises aspirations, encourages teamwork, provides opportunities to take on responsibilities and brings everyone in the school together. The houses are named after local Cornish lighthouses. (Longships, Wolf Rock, Godrevy, Lizard and Pendeen) They compete for the house cup each year, and each house has an assigned colour – this may be seen on badges, pocket strips or PE tops when competing i.e. during sports day


Are there any designated drop off and collection points?

Please use the Sports Centre for drop off and collection. Please avoid using Trevenson Road. It is a busy road and can be dangerous if cars are parked on the side of the road.


Where do I come if I need to collect my child during the school day?

Your child will be signed out at reception (The Quay Building) where you can collect them.


My child has Special Educational Needs, what additional support will he/she receive?

We have a fantastic SEN department who will support your child. Our SENCO, Miss H Coombes, will liaise with your child’s primary school before they start to ensure we put the right support in place. Each child with SEN, has a pupil profile which is sent to all of their teaching staff. This includes specific ways to help them in class. There is also an excellent team of teaching assistants who may work with your child is required. Any child with an EHCP will have a meeting with the SENCO before they start in September.
Please also see out website for more detailed information. You can also find out policies on the website. NT Policies & Statutory Information – (