
The Geography department hope to instill the ‘Wonder of Geography’ in our students and inspire them to know, understand and appreciate the world around them. There is a strong emphasis on learning outside the classroom, with local and/or residential fieldwork opportunities taking place in every year group.

Year 7 Curriculum

• How on earth did we get here?
• What happens when the lands meets the sea?
• Where on earth do people live?
• Is our weather and climate getting more extreme?
• We need a plan(et) B! How far do you agree?

Year 8 Curriculum

• Can the Horn of Africa close the development gap?
• How does water shape the land?
• Rapid change in Asia brings more benefits than costs. To what extent do you agree?
• Should we continue to live in flood prone areas?
• Can we use our natural environment sustainably?

Year 9 Curriculum

• Can the people on our planet cope with tectonic hazards?
• Does Newquay’s retail meet the needs of the local people?
• How can we manage distinctive landscapes such as the Lake District national park?
• Why is the Middle East region important?
• Will our planet cope with climate change?

Geog 1
Geog 2
Geog 4
Geog 3