year 7:
In Year 7, students embark on an exciting journey into the world of science, where they delve into foundational concepts that lay the groundwork for their scientific exploration. These fundamental principles encompass vital topics like the conservation of energy, the fascinating behavior of particles, the intricate world of forces and mechanics, the intricacies of cellular structures and organization, and the intriguing realm of reproduction. Each unit of learning seamlessly builds upon the knowledge acquired in previous modules, fostering a progressive and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

year 8:
Continuing the educational journey that commenced in Year 7, Year 8 serves as a pivotal year for expanding upon the foundational concepts. This year, we introduce the intriguing world of elements and compounds, building upon our understanding of forces by examining their various effects, including pressure. Additionally, we delve into the complexities of organ systems and gas exchange, which provide a crucial foundation for comprehending processes such as photosynthesis and respiration. As the year progresses, we culminate with captivating topics like natural selection, Earth processes, the fascinating realm of electricity and magnetism, and the mysteries of outer space.

year 9:
Year 9 marks a pivotal transition year bridging the gap between Key Stage 3 (KS3) and the GCSE curriculum. During this crucial year, all students are provided with a comprehensive introduction to key concepts and ideas essential for the GCSE coursework, enabling them to make more informed decisions when selecting either Triple Science or Combined Trilogy for Years 10 and 11.

In Year 9, our focus deepens as we delve into the intricacies of physics, where we develop a profound understanding of energy transfers and the particle model. Meanwhile, in the realm of chemistry, we embark on an exploration of states of matter and various separation techniques. In the realm of biology, we dive into the microscopic world, scrutinizing both plant and animal cells, and delve into the fascinating subject of health and disease. This year sets the stage for the exciting and challenging journey that awaits in the later years of high school.

Science 2
Science 3