Key Stage 3- Years 7,8 & 9

The beginning of Senior School is an incredibly exciting time for our students. Yet, we understand that for an 11 year old, finding their way around a large school on the first day of term can be daunting. That’s why we work hard to make the move from Primary to Secondary School as seamless as possible. At Newquay Tretherras the Director of Transition and the Head of Year 7 work with students in Years 5 and 6 to offer a range of opportunities to see the school in session prior to their arrival.

A child’s best chances for success comes from the Academy working in close partnership with their parents. That’s why our outstanding pastoral support includes a specialist Head of Year 7 who alongside their deputy aims to offer a smooth Academic and Pastoral transition. Year 7 students are further supported by their new Form Tutors, with whom they develop close relationships. The Form Tutors are often the first point of contact and they will quickly get to know their new students and their families. Year 11 Buddies also act as peer mentors supporting and guiding our new students through their first years at Newquay Tretherras, whilst demonstrating the highest qualities and aspirations of our student body. To aid communication there are a number of Parent and Academic Review evenings to give new parents the opportunity to get to know the Year 7 pastoral team and the wider teaching staff.

The focus of Year 7 is preparing our students to learn and ensuring that students are happy and settled in the school environment. Our close relationship with primary colleagues helps us to ensure that we build on prior academic progress from the moment students join us. To challenge our more able students we offer a curriculum enrichment programme and this develops into the Academy’s EXCEL programme in Phases Two and Three. We also have a dedicated SENCO and SEND team who offer specialist help and support for those students with special educational needs and barriers to learning.

During Phase One we encourage each child to explore, understand and cultivate their talents and abilities, whatever they may be. To this end, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum and we are very proud of the range of excellent extra-curricular activities available at Newquay Tretherras. All Phase One students are encouraged to take part in wider school life by joining clubs and taking part in activities, extending their learning beyond the classroom.

A Traditional and Broad Curriculum Offer
