The themes of the Tretherras Way are explored in every element of our curriculum.
SELF-AWARENESS ( “Who Am I?” ) – to develop the self-reflection that is necessary to identify strengths and weaknesses across academic skills and pastoral challenges, to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and to be able to make healthy choices.
AMBITION ( “Who Will I Be?” ) – to explore the full range of potential aspirations and motivations; to understand what is it that makes us want to do the things that interest us, to accept challenges, celebrate success and to develop the confidence to lead interesting, successful and rewarding lives.
COLLABORATION ( “Life Is Not A Solo Act” ) – to explore the importance of being able to work in a positive and focused manner with a range of other people, building skills of communication and negotiation, whether in a sporting context or as part of any successful team.
CURIOSITY ( “A Cure For Boredom” ) – to realise the importance of applying skills of research and discovering information, not only in subjects like Maths and Science but across the full range of academic and pastoral opportunities where problem-solving is important.
RESILIENCE ( “If At First…” ) – to recognise how to build the ability to accept challenges, overcome barriers, resist distractions, and to build the confidence and self-esteem that are central to building successful and rewarding lives.
RESPONSIBILITY ( “The Tretherras Citizen” ) – to appreciate the importance of personal responsibility across a range of decisions and issues, through showing initiative and adaptability, such as the increasing importance of making environmentally responsible choices.
EMPATHY ( “Because We Care” ) – to develop the emotional intelligence necessary to understand the feelings, thoughts and perspectives of others; to develop the ability to “stand in the shoes of another person” and appreciate things from their perspective.