Celebrations at the Star Awards 2018

On the last week of summer term 2018, Year 7 & 8 students collected awards for their Academic Achievements and Progress at the Newquay Tretherras Star Awards. The Star Awards evening was originally created specifically to recognise students with the highest academic achievement and acknowledge students with the highest progress at Key Stage 3. Year 10 […]

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Staff and students from two Newquay academies, Newquay Tretherras and Newquay Junior Academy, have completed the eighth out of 12 planned walk, as part of a project to raise awareness and funds for men’s mental health and suicide prevention. The team of walkers have now walked a total of 124 miles, and are now putting […]

Inaugural Newquay Tretherras STEM Careers Day

The inaugural Newquay Tretherras STEM careers day was held at the school on Friday 6th July. The whole of Year 7 spent the day learning about a number of exciting and innovative careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and the importance of these subjects in their everyday lives. A number of STEM ambassador volunteers […]

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Key Stage 4 Awards Evening 2018

The Newquay Tretherras Key Stage 4 Awards Evening Celebrated Year 9 and 10 students on 4th of July. Awards were presented to over 100 students who were recognised for their academic achievements and progress, as well as special recognition for students who have been inspirational. The ever popular Newquay Tretherras Jazz Band welcomed family and friends to […]

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Cornwall Rugby Developing Players Programme

The application process has begun for the enrolment of players into the 2018-19 Cornwall Rugby DPP. Please download and print off the application form for your son’s age group in Sept 2018. Complete and return the application and medical consent forms back to me at the address enclosed ASAP (all applications will be accepted). Please also […]

Sixth Form Prom 2018

Saturday 30th June saw NT6 celebrate the Year 13’s leaving Tretherras after 7 years together. This bumper crop of Sixth Former’s enjoyed a great send off with dinner and drinks on a warm summers evening at The Carnmarth Hotel. They were royally entertained by Head of Sixth Form Mr Booth who had ransacked the archives to […]

Newquay Tretherras Year 11 Prom 2018

Newquay Tretherras students enjoyed the glamorous Year 11 Prom at the Atlantic Hotel on 29th July. The leaver’s prom saw large crowds gathering outside the hotel to watch over 200 students arrive in a ‘fantastic’ range of luxury and sports cars. The arrival of a vintage traction engine was a real crowd pleaser as well as […]


A trip to the movies is usually high on anyone’s list of activities for a fun summer night out. This particular summer movie night topped the billing with a one-off showcase extravaganza from all the Newquay Tretherras Creative Arts departments, known as NT Creative. The one night only movie-themed collaboration between Art, Drama, Dance, Media […]

Sixth Form Students Visite Imery’s Laboratories

On Friday 29th June, our Y12 chemists visited Imery’s laboratories in Par. Imery’s is a world leader in the research and development of mineral applications, including kaolin and the use of bi-cell fossils in cutting edge filtration systems. They also have advanced technologies including electron microscopes, which can cost up to £400,000! Director of Science, […]

Turf cutting at NT – Major development starts at Newquay Tretherras

Fifteen years of planning and hard work finally came to fruition at Newquay Tretherras on Thursday with an official turf cutting event. Directors, staff, students, Education and Schools Funding Agency and representatives of the architects Stride Treglown, gathered in their hard hats to see the first spade go into the ground with the contractors, BAM Construction. The […]