Students Careers Area

Newquay Tretherras wants you to have a successful future!
In order to achieve this you will take part in the activities below during your time with us:

Which Way Your Way

Meet an ex-student

My name is Matt Ford and I am a Community Banker for NatWest Group.

I attended Newquay Tretherras and completed my GCSEs in 1997.

I completed my Year 10 work experience at Kaye’s Chemist in Newquay as I thought that might be an interesting career path.

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My name is Sophie Talling and I am currently working as a Studio Manager for Petalon Flowers.

I left Newquay Tretherras in 2016 after completing both GSCEs and A-levels (at the NT Sixth Form).

For my work experience in Year 10, I spent the week in a reception class at Trenance Infants School.

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My name is Matt Banks and I am a Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy.

I attended Newquay Tretherras and NT Sixth Form, 2008 – 2015.

I completed my Year 10 work experience on the Adventure Service Challenge during Activities Week.

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My name is Jen George and I am an Educator, Author, and Adventurer.

I attended Newquay Tretherras and NT Sixth Form, 2003-2010.

In Year 10 I did work experience at Newquay Hospital and volunteered as a helper on the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and as a leader on school camps.

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My name is Emma Walsh I am Founder and CEO of a group of recruitment companies, property & investment businesses.

I left Newquay Tretherras in 2004 after also attending the sixth form.

For my work experience I spent a week in Trenance infant school as a Teaching assistant and a week at Newquay Hospital on the ward.

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Employability Guide

Explore different roles and the job market